
Art In Schools began as a charitable initiative of Winton Rossiter, and was the subject of a group ‘business plan’ assignment at Sotheby’s Institute of Art in spring 2021.

Rossiter (Cornell BA Classics, Harvard MBA) has a background in private equity and is owner of leading in-school communications company JazzyMedia, which operates in 4,000 UK primary schools, secondary schools, and colleges.

Rossiter initially developed the project at his own expense, using the network and resources of JazzyMedia, before obtaining generous funding from the Cattarulla family and Monday Charitable Trust. He has been supported by enthusiastic advisers with experience in other arts and education charities. Rossiter will act as the initial chief executive of the charity.

Until Art In Schools is able to afford its own employees and infrastructure, Rossiter is prepared for JazzyMedia to provide management and administrative services to the charity, conduct further testing and research, and recruit schools from its network on a cost-recovery basis.      

“We’re so excited to be part of Art In Schools. It’s really important for our young people to be exposed to as many different experiences as possible. The practicalities of the curriculum and time and money mean that I can only do certain museum trips for certain pupils. The programme allows us to get high quality pieces of art in front of students on a daily basis. The art is always there to stimulate their cultural awareness of the world around us.”
Tony Roe, Headteacher – Barking Abbey School, Barking & Dagenham
“We organised an art challenge around the shows. We’ve had pupils respond to that and make really exciting work.”
Damion Sizer, Head of Art – Barking Abbey School, Barking & Dagenham
“It has the potential to become a true ‘national gallery’ of art, for student art as well as great art from the past.”
Richard Vine, Head of Art – The Woodroffe School, Lyme Regis, Dorset