Growing up in an environment where the arts are valued in everyday life is something that people well-known for being creative tend to have in common. Sensations has the potential to deliver daily exposure and engagement to hundreds of pupils in each school.”  
Dr Karen Hosack Janes, Senior Lecturer in Education – Oxford Brookes University and author of Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom: An exploration of consensus across theory and practice (2022), Critical Publishing: Cambridge. 

Is the programme free to schools?

The ArtScreens, Sensations programming, and pupil engagement module are currently FREE to state schools. Independent schools are expected to pay.

Are the children just looking at the art? What is educational?

There’s much more to the Sensations programme than just pictures on the screen. But all engagement with art begins with looking. With Sensations, children will see more art in a year than they would normally see in a lifetime. We amaze our young audience with stunning images displayed at scale. We provide context by packaging the art into weekly exhibitions. We make it understandable with clear, simple, often amusing descriptions. And we make it fun with games and competitions around the artworks. The art - and the stories behind it - are therefore accessible to all students, not just those taking art class.

Sensations also enhances the learning of students taking art and design. It inspires their work and gives them ideas for projects; it lets them aspire to see their work displayed on the big screen to the whole school.

How does Art In Schools support the national curriculum?

We provide our schools with Sensations educational resources in digital form. Teachers of art and other subjects then weave the art into lessons as they see fit, displaying the videos and artworks on whiteboards. In addition, teachers use the art in assemblies and tutor groups to illustrate ethical lessons and themes around the school calendar.

Will Art In Schools reduce traditional art provision?

Sensations is not replacing teachers – or the museum visit; it is supercharging these experiences and making art a part of the daily life of the school. It also encourages more students to continue art studies and pursue careers in the creative industries.

Are there benefits to the wider school community?

The ArtScreens brighten the school premises for everyone: lunch ladies, administrators, teachers, governors, and visitors. Parents view the art programmes at Open Days, Parents Evenings and the school fair.

Who decides on the art content?

Art In Schools produces and broadcasts the art programmes. The weekly exhibitions are on themes of interest to young people; on themes from art history; and from the collections of national museums. Sensations artworks are beautiful, eye-catching and meaningful; immodest or overtly political work is not permitted. One-third of the art is classical, two-thirds is modern and contemporary.

Are the artworks and images licensed?

Art In Schools conforms with copyright law regarding the licensing of artwork and images for educational, not-for-profit purposes. Sensations duly credits the artist and the image source, where available.

What about student art?

Students love seeing their own work and that of their peers on the big screen. Sensations broadcasts student art in the same format we use for the great collections. We coordinate three Art Challenges per year, in which we invite all students to submit their ‘Creations’ based on famous paintings, and win prizes. We also display students’ original works, submitted by their art teachers.

Who chooses the locations of the ArtScreens within a school?

We agree the exact siting of the screens with school administrators, based on a site survey. We insist on high-traffic, high visibility locations where students are able to relax and contemplate the art – usually the school hall/canteen and the Sixth Form common room.

Do the ArtScreens only show art?

Yes, the dedicated screens only display art, art videos, and content related to art and culture.

Is Art In Schools unique?

Yes. Although there are many arts education programmes, most are local outreach programmes from museums, with school visits and teaching resources. Few have national reach. None offer the immediate visual impact of Sensations, every day, for all pupils. And none can aspire to reach Art In Schools’ huge potential audience.